Section VIII: Public Participation in Development of the Plan
Informal Public Suggestions
Pursuant to the CRA requirement that a bank formally seeks suggestions from the public while developing a Strategic Plan, members of management and a Battle Bank founder have met with and received input from entities representing community partners in Eagle Colorado. Information gathered in these meetings heightened our awareness of the needs of the community and assisted in the development of our lending, investment, and service goals.
Formal Public Comments
Once the Bank has developed the Strategic Plan, the Bank is required to formally solicit public comment on the Strategic Plan for at least 30 days by publishing notice in at least one newspaper of general circulation in each assessment area covered by the Strategic Plan.
The Bank formally solicited comments from the community prior to submitting the Strategic Plan for OCC approval by posting a notice in the Vail Daily newspaper on June 1, 2023. This newspaper is published and circulated widely in the Bank’s Assessment Area including a digital platform through
Comments were solicited from the public for at least 30 days from the publication date of the notice.
The following is a copy of the official public notice posted in the Vail Daily:
Public Notice
Community Reinvestment Act Strategic Plan
Public Comments Invited
Battle Bank, N.A. – in organization (“Battle Bank”) intends to file a Community Reinvestment Act Strategic Plan with the OCC, Independence Plaza 1050 17th Street, Suite 1500, Denver, CO 80265, no earlier than thirty (30) days from the date of this Notice. The proposed Strategic Plan is available for public inspection online at Upon request, Battle will mail a copy of the proposed plan to any interested party for a reasonable fee. These requests should be directed to Battle Bank at [email protected]. Written comments from the public should be addressed to [email protected] and will be reviewed and considered in preparing the final Community Reinvestment Act Strategic Plan. All written comments will also be submitted with the Strategic Plan to the OCC.
All written comments received by Battle Bank during the formal comment period, which ends on June 30, 2023, will be included in the Appendix of the Plan submitted to the OCC and will be considered by Battle Bank management for incorporation/changes to the current Plan.